Welcome to my store! What a nice upgrade from paypal invoicing.
At the time of writing, I'm 21 years old, a senior at Millikin University, and a standard beginning artist. I like to split my time in number of ways including streaming and video editing, I'll just link it all my socials for you. I've been playing sax for 11 years and wish I started practicing sooner.
I'm not good enough with html to make this page look great but it's something I'm looking in to. Well, this was fun, I hope you find something you like and thanks for your support!
Proper Biography: Isaac Cothern was born and raised in Decatur, IL, attended MacArthur Highschool and was accepted to Millikin University during a vocal competition in 2017. At the age of 21, Isaac has been learning saxophone for 11 years and has produced, mixed and mastered one full album. Since arriving at Millikin, Isaac has built a home studio and both studied and practiced audio production as a Commercial Music Major.